These Terms of Use apply to any User that submits reviews on a platform operated by the company Decathlon UK Limited (registered company number 03140144), with registered office is located Head Office, 9 Maritime Street, London, England, SE16 7FU (hereinafter referred to as “Decathlon UK”).

Decathlon UK is a member of the Decathlon Group.

The Decathlon Group means Decathlon SE and any and all companies held by it, directly or indirectly with at least 10% of the capital or voting rights, including Decathlon UK.

The right to submit a Review is restricted to users of the products or services (hereinafter “Product(s) or Service(s)”) proposed by companies and brands owned by the Decathlon Group. Such Reviews are intended to help Users, hereinafter referred to as “Internet User(s)” or “User(s)” of Decathlon Group websites and stores in making their choices.

Users of the Decathlon Review Service must agree to abide by these terms and conditions and declare that they accept them in full.

What is the purpose of the Decathlon Review Service?

The “Decathlon Review” Service enables Users to share their assessment of the Products and Services proposed by the Decathlon Group companies and brands. Internet Users can access these comments or Reviews from the above mentioned websites as soon as they consult the web page offering a Product or Service to which the comment refers. The comments or Reviews can also be displayed on other supports such as screens in the Decathlon stores.

How do you submit a Review?

Users can submit a Review in several ways. They can submit their Review:
- directly onto the web page of the product, store, brand or service concerned;
- following an e-mail request received from a Decathlon Group website;
- from its loyalty space;
- from an in-store terminal, tablet, etc.

To submit an Review, the User must complete certain compulsory fields, including contact details that cannot be viewed or accessed by other Users and allow communication with him. Also, to ensure that the Decathlon Review Service functions smoothly, Users must agree to provide accurate contact details (in particular their email address).

In the light of certain legal provisions, Decathlon may be bound by an obligation to gather and store the identity data of Users who have contributed to the creation of on-line content. Users must therefore agree to transmit accurate data regarding their identity and to refrain from stealing the identity of any third party or unspecified entity.

To ensure that the Decathlon Review Service is as useful and functional as possible, for each Review published, Users who submit an Review must provide an overall rating of the Product or Service to which the Review refers. They can also:
- state their gender and age category;
- state for approximately how long the Product or Service has been used.

If the User is a member of the Decathlon Group staff using his professional email address to submit a Review, he is invited to provide his job title as well as his place of work. The User remains fully responsible for the content submitted. The Review follows the same rules for publication and validation than any other Review. In order to be transparent, the comments and Reviews emanating from members of staff, are displayed in a specific zone on the website.
The email address used to submit a review may be linked to a Decathlon customer account if the author has one.

What are the rules governing publication of a Review?

Certain rules must be followed when using this service: comments must be relevant, made in good faith and you are asked to think how useful your Review will be for Internet Users wishing to buy the Product or Service concerned. Your comment should not be limited to merely stating whether or not you liked the Product or Service but it should explain the qualities or defects of the Product or Service in question (technical, ergonomic, aesthetic qualities, how staff dealt with you, how long you had to wait to be served, etc.). You can also contribute your own experience and ideas for making improvements.

A User is only allowed to include text in his comments, which must contain his own personal Review. He is not allowed to copy or repeat any comments written by a third party. After the comment has been submitted, the Review will be published within 3 working days on all partner websites, as well as other supports such as screens in store, of Decathlon Group companies offering the Product or Service to which the Review refers in the same language. Internet Users acknowledge that for technical reasons, it may take more than 3 working days for their Review to be published on the above mentioned Decathlon Group websites.

In order to guarantee the quality of the Decathlon Review Service, Users of the Review service must agree to write a comment on a Product or Service that they themselves have actually tested or used.

A Review and/or the information relating to the User’s identity (collectively or individually, as the context may require, the “Content”) will not be validated, and will therefore not be published and may be deleted for any of the following reasons (this list is not exhaustive):
- the product or service concerned has not been used by the person who submitted the
- the Review submitted does not relate to the Product or Service covered by the Review;
- the Review is a question from the User without any description of experience gained with the Product or Service;
- the Review contains too many spelling mistakes or poor syntax, making it unattractive
to read;
- the Content is submitted in a language different from that of the website or form used;
- the Content contains comments of an advertising and/or marketing nature;
- the Content contains unlawful, threatening, racist, xenophobic, rude, abusive, libelous, pornographic, obscene, vulgar, indecent or offensive comments;
- the Content may infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties (such as
referring to a brand);
- the Content makes reference to certain people, including known personalities, or does
not guarantee Users’ anonymity;
- the Content includes an e-mail address, phone number, postal address or any other
data allowing a natural person or legal entity to be identified, either directly or
- the Content includes a bank card number, bank account number, social security
number or any other data that could result in identity theft;
- aspects of the Review submitted contain concrete information involving conflicts of
- any other reasons that the Decathlon Group may think necessary.

Users may submit an unlimited number of Reviews relating to store activity, the Workshop or a service offered by a Decathlon Group website.

In the case of products offered on Decathlon Group websites, the number of Reviews per Internet User is limited to one per product, in order to maximise the usefulness of the Reviews published.

If the same Internet User submits several Reviews on the same product, only the latest Review will be taken into account and published, provided that all of these terms and conditions are complied with.

When an Review is submitted, it is not then published immediately. It needs to be validated by a moderator prior to publication.

How does the Review validation process work?

Decathlon Review Service Users accept that the comments they submit will be examined by
a moderation team. The moderator will check that these Reviews comply with these terms
and conditions.

If the comment submitted complies with these terms and conditions, the User will receive an
e-mail confirming that his Review has been validated.

If any of the provisions of this document are not complied with, the User will receive an e-mail informing him that his Review cannot be validated in its current form, the reasons for non-publication and a link allowing him to reformulate his Review.
The reformulated Review submitted by the User will then once again be referred to a moderator.

Once the Review has been validated and an e-mail confirmation sent to the User who submitted it, the Review will be published within 3 working days on all Decathlon Group websites, as well as other supports such as screens in store, offering the same Product or Service in the same language. Users acknowledge that for technical reasons, it may take more than 3 working days to publish their Reviews on the above mentioned Decathlon Group

How will your Review be published?

Decathlon Review Service Users are informed that the Review published on all Decathlon Group websites and supports such as screens in store, will contain neither their family name, nor their e-mail or postal address.

Reviews relating to a Product or Service whose purchase has been confirmed by a Decathlon Group company will include the mention “purchase confirmed” once they are published. However, this does not mean that Reviews that do not include this mention have been submitted by Users who have no experience of the Product or Service concerned.

To enable Users to benefit from a pertinent Decathlon Review Service, they accept that Reviews published will be deleted in any of the following cases (this list is not exhaustive):
- the Review published is more than 12 months old;
- the e-mail address of the person who submitted the Review is not valid;
- the Product or Service is no longer offered by a Decathlon Group website;
- the Product or Service has been modified, such that the Review is no longer relevant
to the initial Product or Service;
- any other reasons that the Decathlon Group may think necessary.

Lastly, any Decathlon Review Service User is entitled to:
- vote on the usefulness or otherwise of each Review published;
- report abuse or non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

What follow-up will your Review receive?

By posting a Review or comment on the “Decathlon Review Service”, the User agrees to this Review becoming public and grants Decathlon UK, the Decathlon Group companies and their duly authorised partners a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free and fully sub-licensable and assignable right and licence to use, store, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative work, exploit, distribute and display the content of the Review and/or the comment, either in full or in the form of an extract, and to use the surname and/or first name provided with the Review or comment for any purposes, including marketing and advertising purposes, on any media, including the Internet, e-mail (hard copy and/or online), posters, point-of-saleadvertising, handouts, publicity, magazines, television, radio and similar media. Additionally, you waive any moral rights you may have in, or to be identified as the author, of such Review.

The Decathlon Group may also make further suggestions to Users in connection with the Review they have submitted, including inviting them to submit a photograph of their user experience, or to take part in a test or co-creation platform, to send a new product sample, etc.

Users of the Decathlon Review Service accept that the brands owned by the Decathlon Group and by Decathlon Group companies have a right of reply once the Review has been published. This reply will be either made public or sent solely to the User who submitted the Users have the option of evaluating the quality of the reply sent to them.


Decathlon Review Service Users must agree to abide by current legislation, these terms and conditions governing publication of Reviews and by any terms and conditions of use appearing on the website allowing the Review to be published.

The Decathlon Group reserves the right not to publish an Review that is in breach of these terms and conditions without informing the User thereof. Likewise, the Decathlon Group reserves the option, at all times and without prior warning, to remove any Review that it deems to be in breach of these terms and conditions and of current legislation.

The Decathlon Group is unable to accept any liability for content written by Users of the “Decathlon Review Service” and for any requests emanating from third parties relating to the content of any comments published. A “Report abuse” tab is available to report any comments or ratings that may be considered inappropriate or in breach of these terms and conditions.

In the event any provision of these terms and conditions is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason and in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall in no event affect, prejudice or disturb the validity of the remainder of these terms and conditions, which shall be and remain in full force and effect.

Users of the “Decathlon Review Service” acknowledge that the legal authorities may require
Users’ personal data to be disclosed to them.

Protection of personal data

Personal data supplied during the course of the “Decathlon Review Service” will only be processed in accordance with DECATHLON UK’s Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about our data privacy management, please send an email to personaldata[at]

Last updated: February 2024
Last updated on February 2024